Reflections Arts Program


All Interlake artists arise! Reflections is ON now and is calling creative minds!

Unleash your artistic talent and participate in Reflections 2021-22!!!


The arts—and the National PTA® Reflections program—support student success and serve as a valuable tool for engaging families and building strong partnerships in the school community. Founded in 1969, Reflections engages over 300,000 students and their families in arts education activities each year by encouraging students to explore the arts for fun and recognition.

The 2021–2022 Reflections theme is “I Will Change the World By…” Students of all grades and abilities may participate.

Dance Choreography

Dance Choreography


Film Production




Music Composition



Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Students are encouraged to submit original work of art in one or more of the following Arts Categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts. The National PTA Reflections program supports student success and serves as a valuable tool for building strong partnerships in the school community. Students with disabilities may receive special accommodation by entering the special artist division.

The due date for Reflections entries to be received by the Interlake PTSA is “11:59pm on Dec 1st, 2021”. This year, all entries will be collected virtually and a hard copy is required too.

How to Participate

Entry form should be named as “Your FirstNameLastName_EntryForm”

eg: JaneDoe_EntryForm

Entries should be named as “Your FirstNameLastName_category”

eg: JaneDoe_VisualArts

  • Please upload your artwork to your one drive or google drive, then send us your one drive or google drive link in case the file is too big to send by email.
  • Please email your completed entry form along with your artwork (in the accepted format) to email address: Shanshan Wu at

Entries without an entry form will be disqualified. Please fill the entry form completely. The visual art and photography entries should be high quality images (consider local businesses like kinkos, office depot for high quality images).

  • Please submit your physical entry to Interlake high school front desk.
Student Entry Packets 
2021-22 Student Entry Form
2021-22 Dance Choreography Rules
2021-22 Film Production Rules
2021-22 Literature Rules
2021-22 Music Composition Rules
2021-22 Photography Rules
2021-22 Visual Arts Rules
2021-22 Special Artist Rules


We are looking forward to seeing some great creativity this year as well!

Questions? Contact Shanshan Wu at

Students are encouraged to submit original work of art in one or more of the following Arts Categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.
The National PTA Reflections program supports student success and serves as a valuable tool for building strong partnerships in the school community. Students with disabilities may receive special accommodation by entering the special artist division.

We are very proud to share that Tanushri Narendran’s Dance Choreography—-Devi, the embodiment of femininity has won Award of Excellence at Washington State Level. Congratulations!

Here is the full list of Washington State PTA reflections finalists.

The Bellevue Council Finalists for Reflections 2020-2021 

Thank you for your support to Reflections programs this year. We are very proud to share that the reflections entry below from Interlake High School has been advanced to the state level competition. Congratulations to Tanushri Narendran for advancing to the next level competition and good luck on the further journey!  

Dance Choreograph     Tanushri Narendran     Devi, the embodiment of femininity     Outstanding Interpretation 

Here the full list of finalists from Bellevue PTSA Council and below is the video link for the finalist. 

Many thanks to our artists who participated in Reflections program.   

Student Name  

Arts Category 

Anshita Saini 


Tanushri Narendran 


Prisha Hemani 


Ario Azarnejad 

Music Composition 

Anshita Saini 


Harshita Narahari 


Ananya Aatreya 

Visual Arts 

Deliah Cohen 

Visual Arts 

Sarah Wan 

Visual Arts 

Wenjie Xiao 

Visual Arts 

Yulissa Lu 

Visual Arts 

What is different this year: All the entries will be collected virtually.

Here are some useful tips about how to submit your artwork virtually, please CLICK to see. 

To participate, you should download the Rules and Student entry form and email your completed entry form along with your artwork (in the accepted format) to both email addresses : Abhilasha Patil at and Shanshan Wu at

Please upload your artwork to your one drive or google drive, then send us your one drive or google drive link in case the file is too big to send by email. 

Entry form should be named as “Your FirstNameLastNameEntryForm” eg: JaneDoe_EntryForm

Entries should be named as “Your FirstNameLastName” eg: JaneDoe_VisualArts

Entries without an entry form will be disqualified. Please fill the entry form completely. The Visual art and photography entries should be high quality images (consider local businesses like kinkos, office depot for high quality images). If your entries advances to Nationals, you will be asked to provide the physical entry.  

Deadline for sending your entries is November 9th, 2020 (Monday)

Detailed rules about the program are available here and links for specific art rules are as follows:

  • Dance Choreography Rules File must not exceed 5 min. and 1 GB in size. Accepted formats: AVI or MP4.
  • Film Production Rules File must not exceed 5 min. and 1 GB in size. Accepted formats: AVI or MP4.
  • Music Composition Rules File must not exceed 5 min. and 1 GB in size. Accepted formats: MP3 and WAV.NOTATION required Score/tablature in PDF format.
  • Literature Rules Must not exceed 2,000 words. May be handwritten or typed. Acceptable format: PDF.
  • Visual Arts Rules Mounted on sturdy material. No larger than 24x30x½ inches with matting. No framed entries or stretched canvas. No loose materials. Must include a digital image of artwork Acceptable formats: JPEG, JPG, and PNG We will not be receiving the physical artwork unless it advances to National.
  • Photography Rules Must be no smaller than 3×5 inches and no larger than 8×10 inches. Accepted print formats: Mounted on rigid material no larger than 11×14 inches and no thicker than ½ inch. Accepted digital formats: JPEG, JPG, and PNG. Framed prints are not accepted. We will not be receiving the physical artwork unless it advances to National.

 We are looking forward to seeing some great creativity this year as well!

Questions? Contact Abhilasha Patil (425-420-4894) at
                                  ShanShan Wu at